1 - Lose 2 pounds - Not 2 pounds but I have lost 1 pound!
2 – Run a minimum of 3 days per week - Nope
3 – Keep a daily record of what I eat (3 out of 7 days per week) - Nope
4 – Strength train 2 days per week - Nope
I am a full time working mom to two adorable little girls, one is 6 and the other is 3. In addition to loving being a mom I also enjoy hiking, mountain biking, trail running, and yoga.
Since I had the stomach flu over a week ago I have not exercised. It took me a week just to feel good enough to consider working out – amazing what a stomach bug does to you. Then last Thursday I fell while riding my bike. Note to all drivers (at least in Colorado) treat bicyclist as you would a car, they are NOT pedestrians, do NOT yield for them as if they are. Note to all bicyclists you must obey all laws of the road and if you get hit by a car for flying through a stop sign it is your own fault.
My case in point is last week I was pulling into the road, no cars were coming towards me, as if I was a car I made my way to the turn lane to make a left hand turn. I was signaling my turn and I was NO WHERE NEAR the cross walk. A car decides to stop in the middle of the road to allow me to go in front of her. I waived at her to get her to go and she refused. Now I have to stop and put my feet down and wait because what she does not realize is that there is a car in the other lane (two lane street) behind her and I am going to wait for that car to either stop or go. Finally the other car stops and I am upset that she just did not go and she wasted my time. I get on my bike to go and the chain fell off and I crashed hard down into the street. I picked up bike up and made a point to go to the cross walk to finish crossing the street. If that lady had not stopped everything would have been just fine because I would have been able to cross the street right after her but before the other car came. I banged up my knees and one was really swollen and bad and I could not go up and downstairs for about 2 days. Good thing our house is a ranch style house.
Ok back to not exercising I finally got a run in on Wednesday and it felt great. I did 4 miles at a pace of 10:45 or so. I did not push it I just went out and enjoyed my run. I hope to get some more runs in before the end of the week.
This link helps you make-over traditional Thanksgiving Recipes with a healthier version.
Healthy Recipes for Thanksgiving
Finding time to workout during the holidays is very hard. It is not even Thanksgiving yet but I am already struggling to find time to workout. We are going out of town on Thursday so I have a car to clean, suitcases to pack, snacks and food to pack, in addition to working full time! Here are some tips to help sneak in a workout. If you don’t have time to get your normal workout in try one of these tips.
7 Ways to Sneak in a Holiday Workout
Here is an article by Mark Bittman with 8 rules to eat healthy. I also recently read his book Food Matters. I have been trying to incorporate more plants, fruits and vegetables into my diet. I have been starting my dinners with a large spinach salad and I have noticed I am eating less of everything else at the dinner table.
I got this idea from Fitness for Mommies. It will give your legs a workout!
Warm up by walking for 5 minutes
Next 5 minutes, keep walking but pick up the pace
Do 25 walking lunges then run, run-walk or walk as fast as possible for 2 minutes
Do another 25 walking lunges then repeat your run, walk or run-walk for another 2 minutes
Stop and do 15 plies (Legs spread out, feet turned out – like a ballet dancer – then squat, make sure your knees do not go past your toes, if they do you need to spread your legs wider) Then do 15 squats with your feet shoulder with apart, as you sit stick your butt out behind you as if you are going to sit in a chair, run, walk or run-walk for 2 minutes
Stop and do 15 plies and 15 squats, the run, walk for 2 minutes
Make sure to keep you running or walking in between to a sprint. At the end of this workout you should be saying to yourself, this is hard, this sucks, I want to give up. BUT DON’T. KEEP IT UP.
Finally run, walk or run-walk quickly, but not quite as fast as you were for minutes and then cool down for 5 minutes.
Your legs should feel like jelly, if not next time you need to work harder!
Advanced or Intermediate
Begin by slowly walking, the moving into running slowly and finally building up to your normal running level. Do this for 1 mile or 10 minutes.
Once you hit mile stop and do 50 walking lunges, then sprint for ¼ mile for 2 to 3 minutes.
Stop and do another 50 walking lunges, then sprint for ¼ mile for 2 to 3 minutes.
Stop and do 20 plies (Legs spread out, feet turned out – like a ballet dancer – then squat, make sure your knees do not go past your toes, if they do you need to spread your legs wider) Then do 20 squats with your feet shoulder with apart, as you sit stick your butt out behind you as if you are going to sit in a chair, then sprint for another ¼ mile or 2 to 3 minutes.
Stop and do 20 plies and 20 squats, then sprint for another ¼ mile or 2 to 3 minutes,
Stop and do another 15 plies and 15 squats, then sprint for a final ¼ mile or 2 to 3 minutes
Make sure to keep you running n between to a sprint. At the end of this workout you should be saying to yourself, this is hard, this sucks, I want to give up. BUT DON’T. KEEP IT UP.
Finally you can end this workout one of two ways
1. Sprint or run as fast a possible one more mile and then do a mile run cool down
2. Do a one mile run as a cool down.