March 15, 2007

Spring is here

Have I titled another blog Spring is here - oh well. I must say that I have the bet backyard in the world - we live on 3/4 of an acre and our house sits on the very edge so we have a huge backyard. I also have a small river or a large creek on one side and another small creek on the other side. Well both started flowing yesterday! I will post pictures this weekend - I have to buy new batteries for the camera.

On another note Mikayla had the stomach flu Tuesday night. I felt so bad for her but it only lasted a couple of hours. I stayed home with her Wednesday afternoon and she is doing better. She is not eating as much as she normally does but she can afford to skip a meal here and there!

At daycare, Tina (her sitter) made a comment that Mikayla is the healthiest kid at daycare. Tina says it is because all of the fruits and vegetables she eats as well as not getting a lot of sugar and refined flour. Since Mikayla has a gluten allergy I end up making a lot of her food from scratch and there for I can control the sugar and salt in her diet. That made me feel like a great mom!


Jenny said...

It is so beautiful out and I'm really enjoying the warmth of spring. It's delightful.

Hey, do you want to participate in Thankful Thursdays? It's fun.

Anonymous said...

jestem z Polski i pewnie nie rozumiecie co pisze, ale Ĺ‚adny Blog:-)