April 19, 2007

Going Green - no impact

Today all we hear about is global warming, trying to create no impact and living green. I am slowly working on my share of trying to live more green and creating less of an impact. I use paper towels a lot less than I use to instead I bought basic kitchen towels about the size of a wash rag and I use those all of the time in place of paper towels. I use them to clean the house and almost any time I would use a paper towel I grab a rag. I recycle what I can - clear, green and brown glass, number 1 and 2 plastic, aluminium and tin cans. I buy recycled toilet paper a little more. It costs a lot and we are on a tight budget but I try to buy one four pack for ever other time. I re-use my plastic bags - I should just break down and buy a whole bunch of canvas bags so that I never need a plastic bag.

Well - my whole point is that I cam across a blog called The No Impact Man. It is a blog about a man, wife and two year old who are living no impact for 1 year. I think this could be done if you live in a warm climate with a little bit of land to have a nice garden on - but no this guy lives in New York City in an apartment. Check out blog. It is really interesting and it makes you think what else you can do to help the environment.

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