September 30, 2010

Stuck in a Rut

I have not been blogging much lately because I have not been running. I am not interested in running lately. During the last 8 weeks of stress I have dropped a few pounds - yea! But I cannot seem to get my head into the running mode.

Soon I will return to running and blogging much more regularly. I will try to post something at least once a week over the next few weeks but it might be mostly family stuff. I tend to be on facebook a bit more now that I am not blogging as much. You can always follow me on facebook - just find me I am Tiffany Ziegenhorn O'Connell. If you want to be my friend on facebook look me up and send me a quick note as to you who are - "I follow your blog" works just fine.

1 comment:

funderson said...

Sounds like you need a "Gunsight Pass" run. That is what we've been calling a short run on Lower Loop and then a trip to the Brick. Let me know when you're up for it!