November 17, 2011

Hunger Games

If you have not read the Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins and I HIGHLY recommend this book.  I finished this book in about 3 days because I could not put it down.  Of course after I finished the first book I had to get the second and third one in the trilogy to wrap up the story.  I know if I say anything about this book I will give many parts of it away but I can only describe this book as horrific, captivating and amazing. 

I also just found out that the made a movie out of it that comes on in late March and I just watched the trailor and all I have to stay is "Oh my goodness!!!"  I cannot wait for the movie.  This is a MUST MUST MUST read book.
Have you read the Hunger Games?

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

I just finished the trilogy a few weeks ago. Couldn't put the books down. They are highly engaging (to say the least).